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Articles & talks

Ashlea McKay
Mar 9, 20204 min read
Quirk Monster #10: My need for processing time as an autistic person
Last week someone asked me for some time to sit down to learn more about an area of my expertise. I paused to process that information...

Ashlea McKay
Feb 29, 20203 min read
Quirk Monster #9: The ghosts of pre diagnosis life part 1
I was diagnosed as autistic later in life. While that was an amazingly positive step forward for me and finally gave me a sense of...

Ashlea McKay
Feb 24, 20204 min read
Quirk Monster #8: Autistic does not equal less capable
“How can you be autistic? You seem capable to me” is one of the most common things people say when they meet me for the first time and...

Ashlea McKay
Feb 22, 20203 min read
Quirk Monster #7: Why I don’t like functioning labels for autism
I was having a blood test when the nurse spied my medicalert bracelet. They flipped it over, read the inscription and laughed. They...

Ashlea McKay
Feb 12, 20203 min read
Quirk Monster #6: Nothing implied here
The day I got married, while I was getting ready in my hotel room, I caught a glimpse of a white ribboned car hood out the front of the...

Ashlea McKay
Feb 7, 20203 min read
Quirk Monster #5: Autistic meltdowns
A meltdown isn’t a word to describe a bad day, it’s not a tantrum and it isn’t something a child does — unless of course that child is...

Ashlea McKay
Feb 1, 20203 min read
Quirk Monster #4: Autism and dinner table conversation
A few nights ago I went out to dinner. It was a farewell for two much-loved colleagues that ended up being a celebration of four...

Ashlea McKay
Jan 28, 20203 min read
Quirk Monster #3: Masking and autism
Masking and the stigma that drives it is a big problem. Masking occurs when I use my intellect to ‘pass’ as someone who is not autistic...

Ashlea McKay
Jan 27, 20203 min read
Quirk Monster #2: Identity first language and my autism
If you’ve read any of my previous articles or attended one of my talks, you might have noticed that I refer to myself as an ‘autistic...

Ashlea McKay
Jan 24, 20203 min read
Quirk Monster #1: Autistic energy levels and recharge time
Every Friday around noon, I close my work laptop and if I’m not already at home, I pack up and go. I put my phone in flight mode, I don’t...
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